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Showing posts from January, 2009

Chinese New Year Adventure

I got a lot of red packets and I gave 1 out of 10 to the victims. I hope they will forget the car accident. I went ice skating yesterday with my friends and my cousins. It was very slippery when I started and I was so scared to skate. When it was not really slippery I went as fast as a bicycle. After ice skating we went to eat Japanese food and I ate like a pig, a very hungry pig. I was so embarrassed when people watch me eating like a pig. It was a fun Chinese New Year after all.

Fun day in GSIS

Today at 3rd and 4th lesson, I went to the gym and played different games instead of having boring lessons. First, I played "Climb the bars" and the rules of playing "climb the bars" is you need to climb the bars and a teacher will time how long does it take the whole house to be on the top. Then, we played mat race, the rules are, first, run to the mat and slide until your whole houses mat is on the other wall you need to go back again.Next we played something like dodgeball but I always got smack on the head. In the races we got 2nd always. I like playing dodgeball most.

Hi Joe the poem

Hi, I am Joe and I work in a butcher factory. I go a dog, a wife and a family. One day my boss came up to me and said hi Joe are you busy I said no. So push the button with your (a body part) bottom.


Pokemonlake is a very fun website, this is a pokemon game so if ou don't like pokemon please don't look at this post. When you registered and login you need to start catching pokemon and have battles. I am a pokemon master and my top 6 pokemon are Tentacruel,Biberal,Seviper,Meganium,Shiny Giratina and Rayquaza.