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Showing posts from August, 2008

How lucky I am

I am very lucky because I have my mom and dad. I got my auntie and uncles too! So I am so lucky and I always go to international school. I hope you are lucky too!

First day of school

It was the first day of school. My teachers name was Mrs.Walch. I think she is pretty old and kind of one of those nice ones. What is your teacher is it beautiful?or ugly? Please put it in to the comment box.

My favourite soup

My favourite soup is mushroom soup. I like the campbell mushroom soup. It was yummy. The second soup I like is corn soup, corn soup can be is yummy too! What is your favourite soup? please add a comment of your favourite soup

Do I hate dragonflies?

Sometimes,I like dragonflies when they eat mosquito's but I don't like them when they are going to my house and be noisy. So i like dragonflies 50%. I hope you like dragonflies when they eat mosquito's because the mousquito's get blood from your body.

My favourite video of myself

My favourite video of myself is that I can't scratch my head because I was only 1year old. My head was very big so I can't scratch the top. I was sleeping on mommy and daddy's bed too! I hope everyone got some silly things of himself/herself.

A funny book

There was a book called mr.KARKAR. Everyone was laughing at him. Until one day mr.KARKAR got a magic wand and killed all the people. Then god said "mr.KARKAR give all his life to the people. So everyone coudn't see mr.KARKAR again

What is my school and do I like my school

My school is German Swiss International school. So I need to learn German. I like my school and if 100% is the most I will have 70%. But when he summer holidays came I like school just 50%.

My favourite restaurant

here is a picture if you eat too much mcdonalds My favourite restaurant is Mcdonalds. It has french fries and other stuff I like. It has a lot of fried things so I won't eat so much and I hope you would like mcdonald too!

Aw man! mandarin.

Aw man! mandarin is 3:00 and now it is already 2:28. But I got good news. I can go to Yahoo's house again. Hurrah! I hope school will not start anymore and I can play with Yahoo all day long.

Hooray. It typhoon no.8

Hooray! It is typhoon no.8 and my Mandarin lesson is canceled! My dad said "Maybe you can go to Yahoo's home". I hope I can go! I m so exciited. Please, dad, can I go? But I just finished 2 things.

My favourite burger at Happy Valley

Today, I had a pork chop bun at Happy Vally. My favourite bun is pork chop bun. I told Mom to buy a pork chop bun too!and she said"It was yummy!" I hope you can have a try at that crunchy fried pork chop bun.

My uncle's new baby

The baby was very cute and I like his little face. At my uncles house he got a dog. I hope that the dog don't make the baby cry. I don't know the english name of the baby. Today I opened 1 pack of pokemon cards and inside I found a Cresselia!

My NDS game, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon

It is so fun! I nearly finished the whole game and this is the new pokemon mystery dungeon. The old one is very hard to remember. I think you should buy the new one. I have a Totodile and a Cyndaquil. The nickname of Totodile's is Car???????????a and Cyndaquil's is Cyndaquil!. I hope you will play it!


One day, when I was 6 years old, my dad cooked a fried egg with tomato sauce. I said "It has no taste!" after I tasted it. So we put soy sauce in it. It tasted better then. Now dad only cooks instant noodles. I hope he can have a cooking lesson. I am better than him in cooking.