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Showing posts from July, 2008

What I always like to do on the computer?

I like to go to Youtube to watch things like Pokemon, shadow puppets and Garfield. You can see a lot of things you didn't saw before. It is the best website I ever saw. I am enjoing it!Please put some comments if you watch something in Youtube If you want to watch something go to

My own pokemon story part 2

After training with Yahoo and his pokemon. I went to a gym leader's place. The gym leader's name was Danny and he was a fire type gym leader. The referee said both can use 1 pokemon each. So I said "go Gligar!" Danny said, "Go Vulpix". Then I said, "Gligar, use Quick attack". "Uch!" said Danny. I said to Gligar, "Finish it off with Quick attack". "Vulpix Flamethrower", said Danny. But Gligar was too fast. Finally, Vulpix fainted. Then Danny gave me the flame badge. It was a good day after all. To be continued

4 days in Taiwan

The first day, when I went to Taiwan. I thought I lost my NDS memory card. So I wanted to cry. At the airplane I played Super Mario Bros and Super Soccer. I forgot to say Yahoo went with us. When we were at Taiwan we were taking photos. It was fun. We played baseball near the hotel. The second day,we went to Taiwan central. we took 3 hours bus. At night, we played monopoly. The third day, I was feeding rabbits and I played the ship that swung. The fourth day, We were went back to HK and we found the NDS memory card.

My own pokemon story

One day, I woke up and I was already 10 years old. Then I went to professor Oak's labrotory to get my starter pokemon. But he said there were no starter pokemon so he gave me a Gligar. Then me and Gligar will catch some pokemon. At a field I saw a Swinub.So I told Gligar to use slash . Next I catched the Swinub.Then there was my freind Yahoo he got a Nincada and a Pachirisu. My pokemon and his pokemon were playing and they were training. When its noon we finally went to home and get a good night sleep. To be continued

a good little night story

One day, there was a mother got a baby. She was very happy to have one because she does not have babies for years. After 3 months the baby was very sick and the mother was too! So the mother was so scared the baby will die. Then the doctor said the baby is not breathing. The next day, the mother woke up at 6:00 and her tummy was so painfal and she went to the hospital. The doctor said that the baby was coming out and breathing. So she went to a room to born her baby and the baby was cute. So they live happilly ever after. The End

How proud am I having such a Mom and Dad

I like mom and dad 999,999,999% because now I have a new school is $9600 and my dad said to my mom we should make it and my mom really work hard for me.

I like cartoon network

I like cartoon nerwork because it has a lot of cartoons like Batman , Tom and Jerry and others. I always watch it when I am eating lunch, breakast and the afternoon. For more information go to

Todays tennis

Todays tennis was hard for me because my coach made me run to the net to hit the ball using my racket. After I played tennis I went to mums office. Then I will think I will have fun at my house because Karsten and Haymans are coming.Yay!

My apartment

This is not my apartment My apartment is not very big but I am lucky to have a house because poor people don't have apartments. My house is just a normal apartment. I play football in my apartment when we are playing penalty. Do you like your apartment more or your old apartment before?

Yesterday, I lost a tooth

Yesterday, I lost a tooth when I was eating a chicken wing. It was my 7th tooth it was so clean when we saw the back of the tooth. Then my hand was very shaky. I was so scared and Mom and Dad was so scared but when I slept my hand wasn't shaky. And my dad made me happy when he pat my bed his booby moved. HaHa!

Yesterdays football

At football, I was playing goalkeeper, I was good at saving balls at the waist level, I was able to catch and hold the balls. When we played matches, we won 1, draw 1 and lost 1. Our coach said we were better at high ball now and I was very proud.

How much I like pokemon

Pokemon stands for "Pocket Monsters." If 100% is the most I like and 0% is the worst I like, I would give pokemon 95%. Pokemon can be played and can be watched. The happiest time of all is when you have a special pokemon card. Check more about pokemon in

I made up a game

The matierials you need is? 1.a ball 2. a table 3.and a partner First,you get the ball and put it on the table. Then you start the game. Roll the ball to the other person if he don't hit it back he loses 1-0 The first to ten points will win. The rules are 1.the ball need to roll.

The great water gun

The great water gun was a very big gun. It can shoot as far as 6 persons. It is not expensive at all. You can buy this water gun in Toys R' Us. It is very fun when you have 2 water guns. Then you can shoot at each other.

My recent favourite board game

My recent favourite board game is Monopoly. Monopoly is a very exciting board game when you nearly step on other people houses. My Mum and Dad are always playing with me Monopoly. When somebody is bulding a house you can step on it and pay a lot of money. For more information check

My recent favourite book

My recent favourite book is Mr.Klutz is nuts! It was talking about a kid named A.J.One day he did something bad and went to the pricipals office. The principal was Mr. Klutz. He said that the principal is your pal because in the word principal they got pal in it. Mr.Klutz is nuts is a very funny book!

My recent favourite TV show

My recent favourite TV show is Tom and Jerry. It is all about a cat chasing a mouse. Tom is the cat and Jerry is the mouse. Tom is really smart and Jerry is more smater than Tom. This TV show makes children laugh. When Ton sets a mousetrap with cheese. Jerry will get a twig to touch the mousetrap and so the moustrap will flip away and get the cheese!