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Showing posts from November, 2008

Spell of the Unown

I watched a movie called Spell of the Unown. Unown is a pokemon. It is a legandary pokemon. It is psycic type. There are a lot of Unowns like a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z, ?, !.


Fruit is good for your health. There's an cantonese sentence says everyday eat an apple, doctor says I am wrong and thats wrong. Please eat fruits but I did not eat fruits. Haha!

All the pokemon lv.X cards

There are a few pokemon lv.X cards. Pokemon lv.X cards are better than the one is normal. Lv is level lv.X is the most and just few of the lv.x cards are fake.


Books are wonderful because your vocabulary will be better and you can learn new words. If you buy a book and you want to buy another book from that character then find the series.


When you are watching movies switch off the light so that the movie is more surprising. Movies can be funny, scary, sad and silly. If you watch a movie you need to listen and watch.


Don't be scared when you get a injection because it will hurt when you are scared. Today, I got a injection and it doesn't hurt because I am not scared.I hope you will be not scared.

Trading pokemon cards

1.If you trade pokemon cards you are sure you don't have the pokemon that your friend has. 2.If your pokemon is very good and the others pokemon is so bad then don't trade it. 3. Make sure that pokemon is nearly the same lv and hp!

All the diamond an pearl pokemon cards

You can see a lot of pokemon cards in this website I just found something intresting and here are all the pokemon cards. You can see them now. Stormfront No. Card Name Rarity 1 Dusknoir 2 Empoleon 3 Infernape 4 Lumineon 5 Magnezone 6 Magnezone 7 Mismagius 8 Raichu 9 Regigigas 10 Sceptile 11 Torterra 12 Abomasnow 13 Bronzong 14 Cherrim 15 Drapion 16 Drifblim 17 Dusknoir 18 Gengar 19 Gyarados 20 Machamp 21 Mamoswine 22 Rapidash 23 Roserade 24 Salamence 25 Scizor 26 Skuntank 27 Staraptor 28 Steelix 29 Tangrowth 30 Tyranitar 31 Vespiquen 32 Bibarel 33 Budew 34 Dusclops 35 Dusclops 36 Electrode 37 Electrode 38 Farfetch'd 39 Grovyle 40 Haunter 41 Machoke 42 Magneton 43 Magneton 44 Miltank 45 Pichu 46 Piloswine 47 Pupitar 48 Sableye 49 Scyther 50 Shelgon 51 Skarmory 52 Staravia 53 Bagon 54 Bidoof 55 Bronzor 56 Cherubi 57 Combee 58 Drifloon 59 Dusku

Club penguin

Club penguin is a game that you play and it is really fun. I like club penguin because you can make friends. There was a friend I want to be with was a penguin called latias was not really cool but he was not my friend anymore. I got in to an argue and he hated me and I hated him.