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All the diamond an pearl pokemon cards

You can see a lot of pokemon cards in this website I just found something intresting and here are all the pokemon cards. You can see them now.
No. Card Name Rarity
1 Dusknoir
2 Empoleon
3 Infernape
4 Lumineon
5 Magnezone
6 Magnezone
7 Mismagius
8 Raichu
9 Regigigas
10 Sceptile
11 Torterra
12 Abomasnow
13 Bronzong
14 Cherrim
15 Drapion
16 Drifblim
17 Dusknoir
18 Gengar
19 Gyarados
20 Machamp
21 Mamoswine
22 Rapidash
23 Roserade
24 Salamence
25 Scizor
26 Skuntank
27 Staraptor
28 Steelix
29 Tangrowth
30 Tyranitar
31 Vespiquen
32 Bibarel
33 Budew
34 Dusclops
35 Dusclops
36 Electrode
37 Electrode
38 Farfetch'd
39 Grovyle
40 Haunter
41 Machoke
42 Magneton
43 Magneton
44 Miltank
45 Pichu
46 Piloswine
47 Pupitar
48 Sableye
49 Scyther
50 Shelgon
51 Skarmory
52 Staravia
53 Bagon
54 Bidoof
55 Bronzor
56 Cherubi
57 Combee
58 Drifloon
59 Duskull
60 Duskull
61 Finneon
62 Gastly
63 Larvitar
64 Machop
65 Magikarp
66 Magnemite
67 Magnemite
68 Misdreavus
69 Onix
70 Pikachu
71 Ponyta
72 Roselia
73 Skorupi
74 Snover
75 Starly
76 Stunky
77 Swinub
78 Tangela
79 Treecko
80 Voltorb
81 Voltorb
82 Conductive Quarry
83 Energy Link
84 Energy Switch
85 Great Ball
86 Luxury Ball
87 Marley's Request
88 Poké Blower +
89 Poké Drawer +
90 Poké Healer +
91 Premier Ball
92 Potion
93 Switch
94 Cyclone Energy
95 Warp Energy
96 Dusknoir LV.X
97 Heatran LV.X
98 Machamp LV.X
99 Raichu LV.X
100 Regigigas LV.X
101 Charmander
102 Charmeleon
103 Charizard
SH1 Drifloon
SH2 Duskull
SH3 Voltorb

Legends Awakened
No. Card Name Rarity
1 Deoxys Normal Forme
2 Dragonite
3 Froslass
4 Giratina
5 Gliscor
6 Heatran
7 Kingdra
8 Luxray
9 Mamoswine
10 Metagross
11 Mewtwo
12 Politoed
13 Probopass
14 Rayquaza
15 Regigigas
16 Spiritomb
17 Yanmega
18 Armaldo
19 Azelf
20 Bellossom
21 Cradily
22 Crawdaunt
23 Delcatty
24 Deoxys Attack Forme
25 Deoxys Defense Forme
26 Deoxys Speed Forme
27 Ditto
28 Forretress
29 Groudon
30 Heatran
31 Jirachi
32 Kyogre
33 Lopunny
34 Mesprit
35 Poliwrath
36 Regice
37 Regigigas
38 Regirock
39 Registeel
40 Shedinja
41 Torkoal
42 Unown !
43 Uxie
44 Victreebel
45 Vileplume
46 Anorith
47 Camerupt
48 Castform
49 Castform Rain Form
50 Castform Snow-Cloud Form
51 Castform Sunny Form
52 Dragonair
53 Drifblim
54 Exeggutor
55 Gliscor
56 Grumpig
57 Houndoom
58 Lanturn
59 Lanturn
60 Ledian
61 Lucario
62 Luxio
63 Marowak
64 Metang
65 Metang
66 Mightyena
67 Ninjask
68 Persian
69 Piloswine
70 Seadra
71 Starmie
72 Swalot
73 Swellow
74 Tauros
75 Tentacruel
76 Unown J
77 Unown R
78 Unown U
79 Unown V
80 Unown W
81 Unown Y
82 Unown ?
83 Beldum
84 Beldum
85 Bellsprout
86 Buneary
87 Chinchou
88 Chinchou
89 Corphish
90 Cubone
91 Dratini
92 Drifloon
93 Exeggcute
94 Gligar
95 Gligar
96 Gloom
97 Gloom
98 Gulpin
99 Hitmonchan
100 Hitmonlee
101 Hitmontop
102 Horsea
103 Houndour
104 Ledyba
105 Lileep
106 Meowth
107 Misdreavus
108 Nincada
109 Nosepass
110 Numel
111 Oddish
112 Oddish
113 Pineco
114 Poliwag
115 Poliwhirl
116 Poochyena
117 Riolu
118 Shinx
119 Skitty
120 Sneasel
121 Spoink
122 Staryu
123 Swinub
124 Taillow
125 Tentacool
126 Tyrogue
127 Weepinbell
128 Yanma
129 Bubble Coat
130 Buck's Training
131 Cynthia's Feelings
132 Energy Pickup
133 Poké Radar
134 Snowpoint Temple
135 Stark Mountain
136 Technical Machine TS-1
137 Technical Machine TS-2
138 Claw Fossil
139 Root Fossil
140 Azelf LV.X
141 Gliscor LV.X
142 Magnezone LV.X
143 Mesprit LV.X
144 Mewtwo LV.X
145 Rhyperior LV.X
146 Uxie LV.X
No. Card Name Rarity
1 Articuno
2 Cresselia
3 Darkrai
4 Dialga
5 Glaceon
6 Kabutops
7 Leafeon
8 Manaphy
9 Mewtwo
10 Moltres
11 Palkia
12 Phione
13 Rotom
14 Zapdos
15 Aerodactyl
16 Bronzong
17 Empoleon
18 Espeon
19 Flareon
20 Glaceon
21 Hippowdon
22 Infernape
23 Jolteon
24 Leafeon
25 Minun
26 Omastar
27 Phione
28 Plusle
29 Scizor
30 Torterra
31 Toxicroak
32 Umbreon
33 Unown P
34 Vaporeon
35 Ambipom
36 Fearow
37 Grotle
38 Kangaskhan
39 Lickitung
40 Manectric
41 Monferno
42 Mothim
43 Pachirisu
44 Prinplup
45 Raichu
46 Scyther
47 Staravia
48 Sudowoodo
49 Unown Q
50 Aipom
51 Aipom
52 Bronzor
53 Buneary
54 Burmy Sandy Cloak
55 Chatot
56 Chimchar
57 Chimchar
58 Chingling
59 Combee
60 Croagunk
61 Drifloon
62 Eevee
63 Eevee
64 Electrike
65 Glameow
66 Hippopotas
67 Kabuto
68 Munchlax
69 Omanyte
70 Pikachu
71 Piplup
72 Piplup
73 Shellos East Sea
74 Spearow
75 Starly
76 Stunky
77 Turtwig
78 Turtwig
79 Dawn Stadium
80 Dusk Ball
81 Energy Restore
82 Fossil Excavator
83 Mom's Kindness
84 Old Amber
85 Poké Ball
86 Quick Ball
87 Super Scoop Up
88 Warp Point
89 Dome Fossil
90 Energy Search
91 Helix Fossil
92 Call Energy
93 Darkness Energy
94 Health Energy
95 Metal Energy
96 Recover Energy
97 Garchomp LV.X
98 Glaceon LV.X
99 Leafeon LV.X
100 Porygon-Z LV.X Great Encounters
No. Card Name Rarity
1 Blaziken
2 Cresselia
3 Darkrai
4 Darkrai
5 Pachirisu
6 Porygon-Z
7 Rotom
8 Sceptile
9 Swampert
10 Tangrowth
11 Togekiss
12 Altaria
13 Beedrill
14 Butterfree
15 Claydol
16 Dialga
17 Exploud
18 Houndoom
19 Hypno
20 Kingler
21 Lapras
22 Latias
23 Latios
24 Mawile
25 Milotic
26 Palkia
27 Primeape
28 Slowking
29 Unown H
30 Wailord
31 Weezing
32 Wigglytuff
33 Arbok
34 Cacturne
35 Combusken
36 Delibird
37 Floatzel
38 Gorebyss
39 Granbull
40 Grovyle
41 Hariyama
42 Huntail
43 Linoone
44 Loudred
45 Magcargo
46 Marshtomp
47 Metapod
48 Pelipper
49 Porygon2
50 Purugly
51 Relicanth
52 Seviper
53 Skarmory
54 Slowbro
55 Togetic
56 Unown F
57 Unown G
58 Wailmer
59 Zangoose
60 Baltoy
61 Buizel
62 Cacnea
63 Caterpie
64 Clamperl
65 Drowzee
66 Ekans
67 Feebas
68 Glameow
69 Houndour
70 Igglybuff
71 Illumise
72 Jigglypuff
73 Kakuna
74 Koffing
75 Krabby
76 Lunatone
77 Luvdisc
78 Makuhita
79 Mankey
80 Mudkip
81 Porygon
82 Slowpoke
83 Slugma
84 Snubbull
85 Solrock
86 Swablu
87 Tangela
88 Togepi
89 Torchic
90 Treecko
91 Unown L
92 Volbeat
93 Weedle
94 Whismur
95 Wingull
96 Zigzagoon
97 Amulet Coin
98 Felicity's Drawing
99 Leftovers
100 Moonlight Stadium
101 Premier Ball
102 Rare Candy
103 Cresselia LV.X Great Encounters
No. Card Name Rarity
1 Blaziken
2 Cresselia
3 Darkrai
4 Darkrai
5 Pachirisu
6 Porygon-Z
7 Rotom
8 Sceptile
9 Swampert
10 Tangrowth
11 Togekiss
12 Altaria
13 Beedrill
14 Butterfree
15 Claydol
16 Dialga
17 Exploud
18 Houndoom
19 Hypno
20 Kingler
21 Lapras
22 Latias
23 Latios
24 Mawile
25 Milotic
26 Palkia
27 Primeape
28 Slowking
29 Unown H
30 Wailord
31 Weezing
32 Wigglytuff
33 Arbok
34 Cacturne
35 Combusken
36 Delibird
37 Floatzel
38 Gorebyss
39 Granbull
40 Grovyle
41 Hariyama
42 Huntail
43 Linoone
44 Loudred
45 Magcargo
46 Marshtomp
47 Metapod
48 Pelipper
49 Porygon2
50 Purugly
51 Relicanth
52 Seviper
53 Skarmory
54 Slowbro
55 Togetic
56 Unown F
57 Unown G
58 Wailmer
59 Zangoose
60 Baltoy
61 Buizel
62 Cacnea
63 Caterpie
64 Clamperl
65 Drowzee
66 Ekans
67 Feebas
68 Glameow
69 Houndour
70 Igglybuff
71 Illumise
72 Jigglypuff
73 Kakuna
74 Koffing
75 Krabby
76 Lunatone
77 Luvdisc
78 Makuhita
79 Mankey
80 Mudkip
81 Porygon
82 Slowpoke
83 Slugma
84 Snubbull
85 Solrock
86 Swablu
87 Tangela
88 Togepi
89 Torchic
90 Treecko
91 Unown L
92 Volbeat
93 Weedle
94 Whismur
95 Wingull
96 Zigzagoon
97 Amulet Coin
98 Felicity's Drawing
99 Leftovers
100 Moonlight Stadium
101 Premier Ball
102 Rare Candy
103 Cresselia LV.X
104 Darkrai LV.X
105 Dialga LV.X
106 Palkia LV.X
Great Encounters
No. Card Name Rarity
1 Blaziken
2 Cresselia
3 Darkrai
4 Darkrai
5 Pachirisu
6 Porygon-Z
7 Rotom
8 Sceptile
9 Swampert
10 Tangrowth
11 Togekiss
12 Altaria
13 Beedrill
14 Butterfree
15 Claydol
16 Dialga
17 Exploud
18 Houndoom
19 Hypno
20 Kingler
21 Lapras
22 Latias
23 Latios
24 Mawile
25 Milotic
26 Palkia
27 Primeape
28 Slowking
29 Unown H
30 Wailord
31 Weezing
32 Wigglytuff
33 Arbok
34 Cacturne
35 Combusken
36 Delibird
37 Floatzel
38 Gorebyss
39 Granbull
40 Grovyle
41 Hariyama
42 Huntail
43 Linoone
44 Loudred
45 Magcargo
46 Marshtomp
47 Metapod
48 Pelipper
49 Porygon2
50 Purugly
51 Relicanth
52 Seviper
53 Skarmory
54 Slowbro
55 Togetic
56 Unown F
57 Unown G
58 Wailmer
59 Zangoose
60 Baltoy
61 Buizel
62 Cacnea
63 Caterpie
64 Clamperl
65 Drowzee
66 Ekans
67 Feebas
68 Glameow
69 Houndour
70 Igglybuff
71 Illumise
72 Jigglypuff
73 Kakuna
74 Koffing
75 Krabby
76 Lunatone
77 Luvdisc
78 Makuhita
79 Mankey
80 Mudkip
81 Porygon
82 Slowpoke
83 Slugma
84 Snubbull
85 Solrock
86 Swablu
87 Tangela
88 Togepi
89 Torchic
90 Treecko
91 Unown L
92 Volbeat
93 Weedle
94 Whismur
95 Wingull
96 Zigzagoon
97 Amulet Coin
98 Felicity's Drawing
99 Leftovers
100 Moonlight Stadium
101 Premier Ball
102 Rare Candy
103 Cresselia LV.X
104 Darkrai LV.X
105 Dialga LV.X
106 Palkia LV.X Mysterious Treasures
No. Card Name Rarity
1 Aggron
2 Alakazam
3 Ambipom
4 Azelf
5 Blissey
6 Bronzong
7 Celebi
8 Feraligatr
9 Garchomp
10 Honchkrow
11 Lumineon
12 Magmortar
13 Meganium
14 Mesprit
15 Raichu
16 Typhlosion
17 Tyranitar
18 Uxie
19 Abomasnow
20 Ariados
21 Bastiodon
22 Chimecho
23 Crobat
24 Exeggutor
25 Glalie
26 Gyarados
27 Kricketune
28 Manectric
29 Mantine
30 Mr. Mime
31 Nidoqueen
32 Ninetales
33 Rampardos
34 Slaking
35 Sudowoodo
36 Toxicroak
37 Unown I
38 Ursaring
39 Walrein
40 Whiscash
41 Bayleef
42 Chingling
43 Cranidos
44 Croconaw
45 Dewgong
46 Dodrio
47 Dunsparce
48 Gabite
49 Girafarig
50 Golbat
51 Graveler
52 Happiny
53 Lairon
54 Magmar
55 Masquerain
56 Nidorina
57 Octillery
58 Parasect
59 Pupitar
60 Quilava
61 Sandslash
62 Sealeo
63 Shieldon
64 Tropius
65 Unown E
66 Unown M
67 Unown T
68 Vigoroth
69 Abra
70 Aipom
71 Aron
72 Barboach
73 Bidoof
74 Bronzor
75 Buizel
76 Chansey
77 Chikorita
78 Croagunk
79 Cyndaquil
80 Doduo
81 Electrike
82 Exeggcute
83 Finneon
84 Geodude
85 Gible
86 Kricketot
87 Larivitar
88 Magby
89 Magikarp
90 Murkrow
91 Nidoran
92 Paras
93 Pichu
94 Pikachu
95 Remoraid
96 Sandshrew
97 Seel
98 Shinx
99 Slakoth
100 Snorunt
101 Snover
102 Spheal
103 Spinarak
104 Surskit
105 Teddiursa
106 Totodile
107 Vulpix
108 Zubat
109 Bebe's Search
110 Dusk Ball
111 Fossil Excavator
112 Lake Boundary
113 Night Maintenance
114 Quick Ball
115 Team Galactic's Wager
116 Armor Fossil
117 Skull Fossil
118 Multi Energy
119 Darkness Energy
120 Metal Energy
121 Electivire LV.X
122 Lucario LV.X
123 Magmortar LV.X
124 Time-Space Distortion Diamond and Pearl
No. Card Name Rarity
1 Dialga
2 Dusknoir
3 Electivire
4 Empoleon
5 Infernape
6 Lucario
7 Luxray
8 Magnezone
9 Manaphy
10 Mismagius
11 Palkia
12 Rhyperior
13 Roserade
14 Shiftry
15 Skuntank
16 Staraptor
17 Torterra
18 Azumarrill
19 Beautifly
20 Bibarel
21 Carnivine
22 Clefable
23 Drapion
24 Drifblim
25 Dustox
26 Floatzel
27 Gengar
28 Heracross
29 Hippowdon
30 Lopunny
31 Machamp
32 Medicham
33 Munchlax
34 Noctowl
35 Pachirisu
36 Purugly
37 Snorlax
38 Steelix
39 Vespiquen
40 Weavile
41 Wobbuffet
42 Wynaut
43 Budew
44 Cascoon
45 Cherrim
46 Drifloon
47 Dusclops
48 Elekid
49 Grotle
50 Haunter
51 Hippopotas
52 Luxio
53 Machoke
54 Magneton
55 Mantyke
56 Monferno
57 Nuzleaf
58 Prinplup
59 Rapidash
60 Rhydon
61 Riolu
62 Seaking
63 Silcoon
64 Staravia
65 Unown A
66 Unown B
67 Unown C
68 Unown D
69 Azurill
70 Bidoof
71 Bonsly
72 Buizel
73 Buneary
74 Chatot
75 Cherubi
76 Chimchar
77 Clefairy
78 Cleffa
79 Combee
80 Duskull
81 Electabuzz
82 Gastly
83 Glameow
84 Goldeen
85 Hoothoot
86 Machop
87 Magnemite
88 Marill
89 Meditite
90 Mime Jr.
91 Misdreavus
92 Onix
93 Piplup
94 Ponyta
95 Rhyhorn
96 Roselia
97 Seedot
98 Shinx
99 Skorupi
100 Sneasel
101 Starly
102 Stunky
103 Turtwig
104 Wurmple
105 Double Full Heal
106 Energy Restore
107 Energy Switch
108 Night Pokémon Center
109 PlusPower
110 Poké Ball
111 Pokédex HANDY910is
112 Professor Rowan
113 Rival
114 Speed Stadium
115 Super Scoop Up
116 Warp Point
117 Energy Search
118 Potion
119 Switch
120 Empoleon LV.X
121 Infernape LV.X
122 Torterra LV.X
123 Grass Energy
124 Fire Energy
125 Water Energy
126 Lightning Energy
127 Psychic Energy
128 Fighting Energy
129 Darkness Energy
130 Metal Energy
104 Darkrai LV.X
105 Dialga LV.X
106 Palkia LV.X

Hope you enjoy reading pokemon cards!


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