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My recent favourite TV show

My recent favourite TV show is Tom and Jerry. It is all about a cat chasing a mouse. Tom is the cat and Jerry is the mouse. Tom is really smart and Jerry is more smater than Tom. This TV show makes children laugh. When Ton sets a mousetrap with cheese. Jerry will get a twig to touch the mousetrap and so the moustrap will flip away and get the cheese!


Anonymous said…
Dear Reggie,

I had a lot of favourite TV shows too, when I was young. Those were mostly cartoons from Japan. The one I remember is "Little Creamy", it's about a little girl (I think around 8 years old like you !) who could transform herself into an 8 years old pop singer called Little Creamy, with her magic wand!

Reggie, I had a really bad day yesterday (again!). I prayed to God to give me peace at heart and no more grumpiness. Please pray for me. Would you ?

Anonymous said…
gie gie

嘉嘉都好鍾意睇Tom & Jerry, 佢會笑得好開心, 如果你地一齊睇就一定更開心啦

e ma
ReggieL said…
Thank you for all the comments. I hope everyone can talk about there favourite TV shows

Reg Reg
Anonymous said…
親愛的gie gie

唔..... 我要諗下先, 要講我小時候最喜歡睇o既卡通片, 都應該係"小甜甜" , 當年好多小朋友(多數都係女仔)都鍾意睇架, 包括我啦、meimei 姨媽、becca 姨媽同埋你媽咪都會追住睇, 我記得o係逢星期日早上播, 所以我地都會好早起身一齊睇。

e ma
Anonymous said…
e ma,

Really ? You have such a good memory. I don't remember so much about our childhood...

Mama (of Reg Reg)

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